Thrash120’s BEST IN METAL 2024
Welp, It’s that time of year again! Christmas is on the horizon, the end of the year creeps ever near, and big publications like to put our their lists of the “BEST OF 2024” in metal and whatnot. We can do that too! Except, we aren’t a big publication, and it’s actually just one person. Me, And my name is THRASH120, so I might have a bit of a bias. WHO CARES. IT’S MY LIST AND HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
10. 200 Stab Wounds – Manual Manic Procedures
200 Stab Wounds delivered this year with an album that didn’t break the mold. Normally, that would be a bad thing, but somehow this ends up being one of the catchiest records I’ve heard all year. Channeling the feelings of old school Cannibal Corpse, this record is full of the perfect grooves. If you like Old School Death Metal, or New Wave of Old School Death Metal (is that a term yet?) then check this one out.
9. F.K.Ü. – The Horror And The Metal
Germany’s F.K.Ü. continues their sonic assault of 80s horror flicks interwoven with crossover thrash. Oozing with references, stories, and some of SICK riffs, this album is ultimately tied together by the vocal styling of Larry Lethal! You just don’t hear vocalists belting it out like this now days!
8. Bat – Under the Crooked Claw
Bat’s previous release, Wings of Chains, caught me out of left field, and stayed on heavy rotation with me for a good 3 years. By the time the next E.P. Dropped they had faded from my memory. Fast forward to this year, and Rite for Exorcism popped up in a playlist! While this album, in my opinion, doesn’t hold a CANDLE to Wings of Chains, it’s still absolutely great! Songs like Streetbanger and Battered make me wanna mosh in my LIVING ROOM…and I do, with my dog.
7. Gatecreeper – Dark Superstition
Arizona’s Gatecreeper and I have an odd relationship. While, I find myself enjoying their music, I never find myself seeking it out. This year, Dark Superstition was thrust upon me by the algorithmic gods. For the first time, one of their albums stuck with me. Songs like Oblivion and Mistaken For Dead have already found a permanent place in my playlists!
6. Attic- Return of the Witchfinder
I’m a SUCKER for a good King Diamond worship band. Attic, is possibly one of the best out there. From Darkest Rites’ guitar intro, to Return of the Witchfinder’s haunting shriek, this album isn’t delivering you EXACTLY what you want. Sure, they play it a little safe, but sometimes you want comfort food!
5. V.H.S. – For a Few Riffs More
Oh hey! Didn’t you make a music video for them, Thrash? Yes, I did, I am bias, and it’s my website. I’m ALLOWED to be bias. Anyways, If we were having a “Most Unique Metal Ever” contest this would be in the top 3, easily. A spaghetti western death metal album that deserves more respect than it garners. My personal favorite track is “These Bastards are Evil Men.” Seriously, the ONLY reason this album is in the number 5 spot is the heavyweight contenders that occupy the top 4. And it only BARELY lost to number 4.
4. Ghoul – Noxious Concoctions
At some point in my life, if you asked me my favorite band, I would have said GWAR….but Ghoul was always second and that’s a BIG deal. In 2007 they were a bit of my personality, if I’m being honest. All of that being said, Noxious Concotions was 8 years out from the band’s last full length, and besides a couple of singles and a live album they’ve all but been quiet. I think that’s why I expected a bigger return. While Noxious Concoctions scratches that Ghoul itch, it’s over before I’m settled in. I’m teased, and I need more. Please give us another full length that doesn’t take 8 damned years to get here. PLEASE.
Alright, Now it’ gets hard. The Top 3 for me was something I had to REALLY think about. I love these albums almost equally, but, I guess I have to rank them, so, HERE we go.
3. Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre – Super Turbo
I’ve had one hell of a year with this band. They had slipped me by for nearly 13 years, and landed in my lap like a ton of fucking bricks. In a revelatory moment of “Where has this band been my whole life” I not only dove into their back catalog, but opted to make the band a music video. This lead to a friendship between Macho Frost and I, and honestly I think this album had and incredibly positive impact on my mental health. Fun as fuck, this album delivers waves upon waves of nostalgia, killer fucking riffs, and pretty much everything I’m into. A damned near almost perfect album in my opinion, it’s a shame they had to compete with….
2. Oxygen Destroyer – Guardian of the Universe
Oxygen Destroyer is a band that I have droned out to many times in the past. Heavy, catchy, and with a theme that hits really close to my interests. I don’t feel it was until this album, though, that they actually made their mark on metal. This is the album in my friend circles that no one could stop talking about. We were all amazed by the production values. EVERYTHING that has gone into this album is pure gold. THIS ALBUM IS A FUCKING MASTERPIECE. DAMNED NEAR UNTOUCHABLE, YET IT SITS AT NUMBER 2 NEXT TO…..
1. Belushi Speed Ball – Stellkira
LET IT BE KNOWN THAT 2024 WAS THE YEAR OF BELUSHI SPEED BALL. This scrappy little underdog from Kentuck, started making waves on all the national news sites thanks to their clever merchandising. Be it a resin pizza slice that played the new single, or literally being copied by Green Day, Belushi was ALL OVER the internet metal news sites. On top of that, they delivered my album of the year! Starting off with My Favorite Color is Pizza, this album assaults you all the way to the end. And how it ends? You know what, you can go listen to that for yourself. NOT what you expect out of a “Pizza Thrash” band, now is it? My personal favorite song on this album was “Get To the Point” which I feel is the antithesis to Lich King’s – Crossover Songs are Too Damned Short.
Anyways, I have a bias, I like fun, fast music. Sure, not all of this is FUN, and not all of it is FAST, but it’s my musical tastes.
Also if any of these bands are Sus it’s not on purpose, I just wanna listen to music to vibe! Anyways, I think it’s time to go watch some more Robert Z’Dar films….